The Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) introduced an online system for the research and development (R&D) tax incentive in October 2022. The system is internet-based and accessible from any web browser or device.  You can use it to submit R&D tax incentive project applications and progress reports, as well as to change your company's details.

This automated system is aimed to streamline the application and reporting processes, ease the administrative burden on stakeholders and improving the turnaround time for responses to applications. The introduction of this system was an important milestone for the DSI, as it is enabling the R&D tax incentive team to enhance its support for new and existing R&D tax incentive participants.

Please Note: The DSI no longer accepts manual (RD2 form) applications and progress reports

What’s New!

The online system has been enhanced to align it to the amendments made to section 11D of the Income Tax Act; and to improve communication between the DSI and R&D tax incentive applicants. The changes to the online system include the following:

  • Amended application form.
  • 6-month grace period for project applications received on or after 1 January 2024.
  • Email notifications and dashboard alerts regarding additional information required on project applications, as well as outstanding progress reports.
  • Online extension requests for submission of additional information and progress reports.

What you need to know before submitting a project application for the first time

  • Authorised principal representatives (i.e. company directors/representatives, consultancy firms and industry associations) are required to create profiles for the companies they are representing before submitting a project application.
  • The principal representative must have an appointment letter on the company letterhead before they can create a profile.

To access the online system, please click here.

Migration of the manual information

The DSI is migrating large volumes of existing manually submitted forms to the online system to enable companies with approved R&D projects to submit their annual progress reports online. Companies that submitted applications and received approval on their R&D projects before the launch of the online system should contact the DSI when it is time to submit their annual progress reports.

For more assistance on using the R&D Tax Incentive online system, please contact Ms Pamella Madula at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
